PAS Turns 70


Doing the Time Warp

Doing the Time Warp

On a dark stormy night they came seeking respite
From fleeting time’s grip on their knees and their hip.
Blue doors swung wide. Two hippy chicks cried,
“Call it fantastic but time is elastic!
It’s just a jump to the left to warp time’s weft.
Though somewhat uncouth it’s brought back our youth!”
Guests stared nonplussed at the bold pelvic thrust.
They weighed up the risks to their aged lumbar disks.
Their countenance paled. Yet nostalgia prevailed.
“It’s surely insane! But there’s so much to gain.”
So enter they dared – despite feeling scared.
“They were right!” all conceded as decades receded.
“They were kind to invite us. It’s numbed our arthritis.”

Leoni Jenkin

Fine Affair Waitress with Children's 70th Art

Fine Affair waitress with Upstart kids’ 70s artwork

Denise, the caterer from Fine Affair did a great job. The food was plentiful and delicious. Her waitresses were courteous, helpful and friendly, and they looked the part in their retro uniforms.

Haddie from Upstart - Gumballs

Haddie from Upstart – Gumballs

Our in-house barman John Randle made sure no-one went thirsty. Carolyn Kill kindly stepped up to lend John a hand when his backup barman cancelled. She went a few extra miles by washing all the glasses afterwards. Carolyn also organised the tea & coffee station and bought that staple of every 70s party – chips and twisties. Lis DeDeugd must’ve driven her local milk bar proprietor to distraction by ordering 10 cents worth of mixed lollies x 84. They disappeared fast! Some things are timeless.

Jennifer McManus, Sister Golden Hair Surpise; Jenny Dagleish, Gloria Soam Interior; Glenda Ford, Groovya 70s

Jennifer McManus, Sister Golden Hair Surpise; Jenny Dagleish, Gloria Soam Interior; Glenda Ford, Groovya 70s

Veronica Cunningham - The End of the Day - Acrylic. Orange Sandman panel van parked on beachfront with white surfboard beside it.

Veronica Cunningham – The End of the Day – Acrylic.

The large studio was transformed into a trip down memory lane thanks to the decor team. Veronica and Leoni scouted the shops for weeks. Veronica sourced the creative challenge canvases, pilfered countless 70s album covers from some unsuspecting rellie and eventually found her Christmas lights under the stairs. Hubby Peter’s nimble knees ensured we could hang things in all sorts of places. Apparently Veronica and Peter had an orange sinbin back in the day but where are they??

Maureen Endicott, Kiss; Jean Reichelt, Jaws; Cathy Curtis Boat People

Maureen Endicott, Kiss; Jean Reichelt, Jaws; Cathy Curtis Boat People


It is truly amazing that an art society run entirely by volunteers has not only survived but prospered for seventy years. All our members can feel proud to belong to Peninsula Arts Society which was founded in 1954 by a group of local artists, some quite renowned. The wonderful studios, art program and PAS friendship networks we all enjoy today are the culmination of the combined efforts of many members over many decades. If you’re visiting PAS some time soon, pause in the foyer to take in the fascinating history timeline that Veronica created from PAS archives in celebration of our 70th anniversary. Whisper a thank you to our elders past and present.

Excerpt from PAS History Chart constructed by Veronica Cunningham

Excerpt from Veronica Cunningham’s PAS history timeline.

Party Time! Be There or Be Square

  • Photo by Leoni Jenkin - Hippy Chicks - Art by Jacqui Simpson
  • Photos by John Ballard( left) & Rose Benstead Groovy Girls
  • Photo Leoni Jenkin - Friendship Through Art
  • Photo by Rose Benstead - Here's to PAS
  • Collage of 70s art
  • Photo Leoni Jenkin - Party Goers from Way Back
  • Photo Leoni Jenkin - Happy Hippy Guests
  • 70s Artwork Collage
  • Photo by Leoni Jenkin - Not in the Kitchen at this Party. Art Faye McCrystal
  • Photo Leoni Jenkin - Cool Girls
  • Photo by John Ballard - 70s Party
  • 70s artwork collage
  • Photo by Leoni Jenkin -70s birthday guests
  • Photo Leoni Jenkin
  • Photos Rose Benstead (left) & John Ballard
  • Photo Leoni Jenkin - Living in the 70s

Party photos contributed by Leoni Jenkin, Rose Benstead, John Ballard.

The Committee thanks all those members and their guests, around 80 in all, who came to the party in celebrating 70 years of PAS history. Without you there would have been no party and this great milestone would have slid quietly by unacknowledged. Our commiserations to those of you who did RSVP but couldn’t make it on the night. We appreciate your support too.

Winners, Members' Choice Best 70s Costume. Four women dressed in 70s hippy clothes with a 1, 2, 3 over their heads.

Winners, Members’ Choice Best 70s Costume – Veronica Cunningham First, Jenny Guilfoyle Second, Lis DeDeugd Third, Leoni Jenkin Zero (awarding prizes). Photo John Ballard.

Thanks to Lis DeDeugd who created the colourful Members’ Choice voting slips for Best Costume and Best Artwork … and NO, she didn’t rig the results.

Chopper John and the Treasurer. A man and woman dressed as 70s hippies, holding glasses of wine.

Above:  Chopper John hanging out with the PAS Treasurer. Should we be concerned??

Chopper’s special talents did come in handy for manning the barricades erected to stop our footy neighbours swamping the car park. Liz Clifford, Veronica Cunningham, Jenny Guilfoyle and Leoni Jenkin did a shift too. Thanks to Stan for creating a very official looking parking sign as an added deterrent, and to Jason, President of the Junior Footy Club, who loaned us the barricade and bestowed his blessing on our territorial instincts.

Peninsula Arts Society 70th Birthday Adult Artwork. Brightly coloured small canvases featuring 70s themed artwork.


Above: Adult artwork interspersed with album covers.


Joyful Couple

Joyful Couple


“The Joy of Sex Book 1972”
by Fran James

Fran James - The Joy of Sex Book 1972. Textile artwork of a naked man and woman in bed under covers.

Textiles mounted on canvas


Joyful Couple. Two older people dressed in hippie clothes.

Joyful Couple

Editors note: Fran would like to assure you that the joyful couple depicted in her artwork are wearing wedding rings. A peak under the covers confirmed they also had all the other necessary attributes. Fran is donating her prize to an African clean water project that is being supported by her church.



“Experience” by Lis DeDeugd

Members' Choice 2nd Prize - Lis DeDeugd - Experience - Glass & Stained Glass Paint head and shoulder portrait of Jimi Hendrix.

Fused Glass and Stained Glass Paint – affixed to an 8 x 10 inch canvas



“Elton” by Liz Turner

Liz Turner - Elton - Oil on Canvas. Portrait of Elton John in white suit.

Oil on 8 x 10 inch canvas



“Ziggy Stardust” by Maggie Bush

Maggie Bush - Ziggy Stardust portrait - Mixed Media

Mixed media on 8 x 10 inch canvas

$50 reward

Thank you to all the PAS artists who took on the challenge to create a 70s themed artwork for display at our party. The results were testament to the abundance of artistic talent that makes it so pleasurable to belong to our art society. So many diverse concepts, styles and media! Arty party guests clearly delighted in the display and several artworks sold. Members’ Choice first and second prize artworks sold, as did a portrait of John Lennon by Paul Downton. Eight more artworks sold (see images below) making a total of eleven. Thanks to those who purchased – it’s a great way to support and encourage your fellow artists.

Additional sold artworks
Top L-R
Maureen Cunningham – Love My 70s Cookbooks – acrylic, pen & ink
Leoni Jenkin – East Meets West – digital print mounted on canvas
Karen Flavel – Back to the Gypsy that I Was – mixed media
Kerri Rowe – The 70s – mixed media

Bottom L-R
Rose Benstead – Hotel California – acrylic & pastel
Andrea Cargakis – Dissolving Flower Child – texta & gel pen
Tony Beckley – Star Wars Released 1977
Carla Cruickshanks – The Groovy Florist – oil on canvas

Sold Artworks

UPSTART rises to the challenge

Peninsula Arts Society 70th Birthday Kids Artwork. Brightly coloured small canvases with 70s themed artwork.

Ancient History 101

The Committee was keen to have our endlessly creative Upstart members involved in our 70 year celebration. Trouble is, not only were the kids not born until way after that era, nor were their parents! One of the girls was quite convinced we got around by horse and cart in the 70s.

Dynamic and resourceful Upstart tutor Maxine Pritchard rose to the challenge, ably assisted by Laura. Maxine not only gave the kids intensive history lessons, covering the culture, movies, food, music, dance moves, fashion, technology, politics and key events of the 70s; through that she inspired them to create some truly wonderful 70s themed artwork. Art education at its best!

Kids practicing AC/DC air guitar

Congratulations to all of you and thank you for brightening up our 70s party so beautifully. Members and visitors can still pop into the large studio to view the artwork on display.

The kids’ artwork is not for sale, but Secretary Lis DeDeugd ensured all the young artists were justly rewarded with a lolly bag and letter of thanks.

Photo top: Upstart 70s artwork, interspersed with 70s album covers.
Photo above (Maxine): Practising their best AC/DC air guitar.
Photo right: Ava’s 70s artwork.

To quote Maxine’s newsletter to Upstart parents:

“… we switched off the Taylor Swift and dived into the eclectic mix of 1970’s culture. I was astounded at how many songs all the Teens and Tweens knew! Then I discovered that most of this magical music has been used in either a video game or in a recent movie. You see nothing is new! (now I sound like my Gran!) It was the same with movies, all remakes of those 70’s classics that shaped our worlds – Wonder Woman, Planet of the Apes, Mad Max, King Kong, A Star is Born, Halloween … I could go on but as I mentioned you are far too young to remember the fear ‘Jaws’ instilled in us.”

Ava 70s Artwork - brightly coloured child's painting of a caravan covered in flower designs with a rainbow sun above.