• When we receive your membership application form we will send you an invoice with a secure online payment link. You can pay your membership fee using a credit or debit card. Please note payments will incur a $1 processing fee in addition to the membership fee.
  • You may commence classes and other member-only activities once you have paid your membership fee.
  • If your membership application is not approved, any fees already paid by you will be refunded.
  • We will email you a renewal invoice 12 months from when you joined.

Peninsula Arts Society Inc Reg No: A000727G

Annual Membership Application Form

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Select your preferred membership type

Please note: membership payments will incur a processing fee of $1 in addition to the membership fee.

Your name

School student applicants only - required information

Membership Application
PLEASE NOTE: If you are under 18 your parent or guardian must sign this application.
Volunteering with PAS

Peninsula Arts Society (PAS) is a volunteer run not-for-profit organisation. We need, welcome and appreciate any help you are willing to give in the areas of Committee, art exhibitions, office reception, admin, bookkeeping, catering, facilities maintenance, marketing, IT, website, social media, photography, social events, working bees, etc. Please list any relevant skills you have and/or any tasks you would be willing to help with on a voluntary basis.